Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hashimoto's and Gluten By Dr. Justin Marchegiani, D.C.

Every once in a while I read a blog post or article that I just have to share with you. Hashimoto's and The Gluten Connection by Dr. Justin Marchegiani, D.C. is one of those articles. It is a well written article about how the autoimmune thyroid disease Hashimoto's is directly effected by eating gluten. This is a subject close to my heart, as I too, have Hashimoto's.

Since I was exposed to large amount of gluten molecules during the reconstruction of my kitchen this past April, my thyroid has been struggling to function properly. You can read about gluten  in construction dust in my post written Thursday, May 7, 2015, called, Did You Know Gluten May Be In Construction Materials?  I am not only on medication for this but a series of thyroid supplements to try and support my thyroid. I am often sluggish now. I find myself sleepy early in the evening, when before this exposure, I could go all night long, if I wanted to. I am having difficulty keeping weight off, whereas before this I could easily maintain my weight. Etc, Etc.

Please click here to read the article and learn as much as you can about keeping your thyroid healthy.
Please share your stories with us below in the comment section.
This picture is from Dr. Marchegiani article, "Hashimoto's and Gluten"

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