Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Teen Dies After Eating Dairy At A Diner

I still have tears in my eyes after reading an article on DailyMail.com. A 16 year old boy, who has suffered from anaphylaxis allergies to dairy, died after eating gluten-free pancakes containing dairy. He and his family were assured that the pancakes were dairy-free and that the cooking surface was cleaned before they made the pancakes.

This is my biggest fear. I have anaphylaxis allergies to celery, mango, pistachio and sunflower seeds. I try not let my fear take over my life but I will not eat somewhere I don't feel safe. I worry about the accuracy of the information the kitchen staff is giving me. I search the food when it is delivered to look for visible signs of the food I am allergic to. I go to the same restaurants over and over because new places concern me. 

I have been rushed to the hospital 4 times for anaphylaxis reactions to celery. It has been 19 years since my last attack yet I still remember the itchy skin, and how the roof of my mouth felt. I remember my skin burning and the difficulty I had breathing. Near death experiences like these stay with a person. Reading this article reminded me why.   
"Doctors told the Johnsons the dairy exposure had led to anaphylaxis so severe that Scott's heart had stopped. Three days after the family breakfast, Scott died."  Scott didn't have his Epi-Pen with him that day.
According to DailyNews.com, 16 year old Scott Johnson, died of anaphylaxis allergies due to dairy, after being assured the pancakes were dairy-free.

My prays and love to Scott's family!


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