Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Love: Take Two

If you are following my blog then you or someone you love is probably on a gluten-free or restricted diet. You know only to well the challenges a restricted diet can bring. It can create the feeling of being overwhelmed and isolated. It can mean that eating out or taking in food is no longer an easy option. It means having to explain to your extended family & friends, over and over again. It takes time, work, and energy to live on a restricted diet.

It can also mean glorious and positive change in one's life. I have seen miracles when a person finds out that certain foods are affecting their health and then eliminates those foods. I have seen miracles occur when a mother takes gluten, dairy, soy, etc out of a child's diet. For example, the once out of control child has focus and self restraint again. I know children who were diagnosed as being on the spectrum of Autism and then with the power of food, supplements,etc (doctor guided) now live healthy, "normal" lives. 

I personally have seen the miracle in my family's lives as they have discovered what foods they can't tolerate and removed them from their diet. My daughter suffered from migraines since she was a young child. One month off of dairy (and following an alternative doctor's prescribed program) she stopped having migraines. It has been 5 years since she has suffered from migraines.

To me this is true LOVE.  Devoting endless hours to helping a family member learn about, understand and live with food restrictions. Parents willing to do whatever it takes so that their child can live a healthy and happy life. Spouses/ partners altering their way of life to support those they love in their journey.  Taking care of yourself, so that you can live the best life you can.

LOVE is a gift we should be grateful for everyday! 

photo credit: <a href="">I ❤ NY</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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