Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sometimes the Feeling of Gratitude Can be Overwhelming!

I had the opportunity to do a talk for a support group called Mom's in Charge. The talk required a power point. I prepared by first doing an outline and then building the power point. I spent several days creating it.
Part of the talk was about my  family and my journey to health.

I started writing about how my family had to go gluten-free over 4 years ago then I started reflecting on the past. I realized that this journey to health spans over 22 years and started when my daughter was 2 years old. The steps happened a little at a time. Each step included an education and then a transition to adapt to a new way of eating or a new supplement or alternative medicine.  Many times it was subtle and was barely noticed and other times it took on a more obvious face.

What I didn't notice was the big picture this journey was painting, until now.

Even more powerful then writing about this journey and rediscovering the steps, was actually sharing it out loud. It has had a profound impact on me. I am just now letting the impact settle in.

I am very grateful for every step I have taken!
I am grateful that we are now gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free because we are healing!
I am extremely grateful for Dr. Cynthia Costa!
I am most grateful for God and the guidance I have received over the years. 

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